Companies Use Microblogging To: Check All That Apply.
Ultimately, if you want to use the right tool for the job, you're probably going to need a specialized microblogging platform.So you're bitten by the Twitter bug and want to bring the social messaging experience to work in order to connect with and share information conveniently amongst your colleagues. Perhaps you've even obtained permission to try out microblogging in trial form on your local intranet. You sit down and begin to see how you can adopt social messaging internally. It goes slowly at first...
As a Web-based consumer application, you quickly discover that while Twitter itself is a terrific environment, it isn't very usable yet for businesses because of it lacks a variety of capabilities needed to fully work on the local intranet (details on this below). You wonder what other options exist to bring microblogging to the workplace in a business-friendly manner. Plenty, it turns out.
As we'll see, choosing one carefully will be key to the long-term success of your experiment.
With the recent growth of Web 2.0 tools in the workplace (to about half of all organizations today), this scenario is becoming more common. The good news is that the broad success of Twitter over the last year has led to the introduction of a whole series of business-focused microblogging applications that bring many (though not yet all) of the necessary enterprise capabilities to the microblogging world.
What exactly is microblogging? Unless you've used Twitter for a while you may be forgiven for wondering why traditional blog platforms you might have already adopted can't be used for microblogging. With some exceptions (most notably Wordpress and its free Prologue 2 microblogging offering), most blog platforms just aren't up to the task. Microblogging has its own mode of operation that is similar though definitely distinct from traditional blogs.
Microblogs have unique capabilities -- and often, constraints -- like short messages (often as little as 140 characters, like Twitter), a social messaging-friendly user profile with a short handle, integration of automatic URL shorteners, specialized tagging, and a Twitter-compatible API to use the dozens of high quality clients on desktop and mobile platforms are just some differences between blogs and microblogs. Ultimately, if you want to use the right tool for the job, you're probably going to need a specialized microblogging tool if you decide to adopt this rapidly emerging new type of social messaging.
Adding an enterprise context to microblogs
Most businesses, particularly larger ones, also have their own unique requirements that can include at least seven critical areas that microblogging platforms can only ignore at their own peril. These needs arise for a variety of reasons but generally fall into the categories of security, governance, and policy. For example, this might include having to comply with internal and external technical standards, industry and local regulations, enterprise architecture guidelines, and so forth.
The enterprise is a mini-world of rules in its own right and the freewheeling environment of the Web has to be combined in some workable way with the tighter constraints of the workplace. All Web 2.0 tools face these challenges and this often means waiting for larger enterprise firms to produce enterprise-class versions of these kinds of applications that will be acceptable them, though certainly many are also adopting the consumer versions.

The seven enterprise areas that microblogging tools should address are:
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- Search and analytics. You probably already have an enterprise search engine but just like Google wasn't good enough for Twitter, you'll need to make sure you microblogging tool has effective search. In addition, Twitter has also shown us that it's not just the app itself, but the ecosystem that makes it truly valuable and you'll be leaving most of the value of microblogging on the floor if you just have a microblogging tool. Social analytics is a relatively new field and some of the better tools that extract near real-time value from social messaging analytics (like TweetMeme) at present only work with Twitter. However, increasingly there are real options; see this extensive list of social networking analysis tools on Wikipedia for some good examples.
- Single Sign-On/Identity. Most well-managed organizations require centralized identity and single sign-on via LDAP, Active Directory, or some other managed enterprise-wide security system.
- Support for Enterprise Portals. Many organizations have standardized on portal systems for providing much of their intranet experience, as such support for JSR-168 portlets or WSRP is required to host microblogs in such environments or the IT department must devise its own solution.
- Data archiving/ECM integration. The 2.0 wave has largely passed by the world of enterprise content management (ECM), though the industry is increasingly engaged in embracing with and dealing with social media today. This process of reconciling the world of enterprise content with enterprise social media is going to require connection of social messaging information flows into ECM archiving systems for compliance requirements ranging from Sox to 7 year legal retention requirements at the very least. In my recent examination of broader Enterprise 2.0 adoption, I noted research that found that only 25% of organizations are dealing with this disconnect today.
- On-Premises Hosting. While off-premises SaaS and cloud computing are hot topics and the adoption rate is currently growing even in large companies, many organizations will still require microblogging solutions that can be hosted and deployed internally for a variety of reasons.
- Multi-Level Access and Groups. Consumer microblogging tools tend to be all or nothing when it comes to who can view an individual's updates, usually by making all updates either public or visible only to approved followers (this is what Twitter does today.) The business world is more complex and requires group level access that can control the flow of sensitive information and other content that needs to be controlled and distributed to specific audiences only. While this might seem anathema to the open world of social media sharing -- and indeed most microblogging environments that excessively use them will likely see diminished value -- the requirement remains an an overridingly important one for most businesses. This becomes critical especially when working in highly federated organizations that want to communicate securely with external partners over private networks; multi-level access allows social messages to stay in the social circle for which they are intended.
- Selective Multi-Channel Publishing. Closely related to multi-level access, selective channel publishing allows certain social messages to go through specified channels such as external microblogs, badges, 3rd party social networks, and so on. For example, some microblog updates should be seen only internally, within ones team, or perhaps everyone across all channels, public and private. In a crude manner, this can be done today by creating a microblog for each individual channel but it creates lots of duplication as well, since a message must be resent from each microblog instead of just once from the client application. Few tools support multi-channel publishing today though can often be enabled by hand via the use of hashtags and some simple glue on the server-side. For long term adoption, this will become an intrinsic feature of microblogging tools for efficiency and completeness of corporate communication.
This might seem like an extensive list and while it will apply broadly to a great many organizations, every business is different and there will be probably be more additions to it than subtractions for many firms. The business of enterprise IT is only become more sophisticated and 2.0 tools have not been making the job simpler. Somewhat surprisingly, given their business focus, not many of today's crop of corporate-focused microblogging tools actively deals well with most these important enterprise issues, though many of them offer support for some of them. We'll see how they break down below, but today's microblogging tools still require a fair amount of compromise on the part of the customer.
Read my 2006 examination of the ways of adding enterprise context to traditional blogs.
Seventeen microblogging tools for business
There are now literally dozens of microblogging tools available from online services, commercial software companies, and via open source distributions. I attempted to identify those that are specifically aimed at the business market and came up with this list of seventeen. Almost certainly it is incomplete, and if you leave the details in Talkback below, I'll add any reasonable submission as an addendum to this list. Please also submit the reason why you believe your submission is business-focused.
This following list of microblogging tools for business is in no particular order:
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So that's the current list of microblogging apps for business. Please be warned that it's probably not perfect yet and I'll post any updates and corrections here as needed. But it's an excellent start for those trying to get a lay of the enterprise social messaging landscape.
Also be sure to read the Ten leading platforms for creating online communities.
Finally, while many organizations are still putting their Enterprise 2.0 plans in place, now is the time to consider integrating microblogging into a next-generation IT strategy. While the tools market for business microblogging is still quite young and it's far from clear yet which products will dominate, indications are strong (see my year of Enterprise 2.0 post) that social tools will increasingly be the preferred mode of communication for today's workers. Organizations should be prepared to think through their options and decide if, when, and how microblogging will be represented in their 2.0 plans.
Did I miss any good tools? Have opinions on microblogging and the workplace? Please leave your comments in Talkback below.
Companies Use Microblogging To: Check All That Apply.
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